Friday, June 18, 2010

Waiting on the storm...

All around the radar was lit, and my NOAA weather radio was signaling a severe thunderstorm warning for Hennepin county. With the threat of 60 mile per hour wind gusts and golf ball sized hail - I scurried to pull the hanging plants off their hooks, bring the lawn chairs closer to the house, cover the grill, and bring in the watering can. I texted and called family to be sure everyone was aware and ready, and we waited for the weather to reach us. In the warm breezes before the storm I found neighbors out looking at the grey overcast sky just waiting for it to turn green - which actually it just got darker and more intense.

My husband was arriving home from work when I got the final alarm on the weather radio. I sat in the livingroom across from the front window watching the news and radar on tv and he mentioned "Isn't that a bad place to sit right now?" I moved a little so I could see out the window better. He headed for the basement with my son. I just hung out. I don't know why, but somehow I have always loved storms and strange changes in the weather. I would have gone outside, normally, but with the winds beginning to pick up a bit, it felt like rain was actually coming.

When I arrived home from work this evening - many large branches from our front birch tree were already strewn across the garden on top of hostas, coral bells, hydrangea, and rose bushes. The winds earlier in the day were quite strong. Usually when small branches fall, I break them apart and leave them in the mulch. But, these were entire limbs with no leaves on them. Old, brittle pieces that were going to come off anyways. I'm concerned that the root system to this birch has been compromised, and someday it'll come toppling down on my bedroom roof or come crashing through the window in a storm. But, today just these branches.

I gathered the branches and set them in the garage so they wouldn't blow all over the place and cause damage in the storm. I set them in a bundle together and got some creative decorating ideas floating through my head. A beautiful rich dark brown, they scream of nature and simplicity. Hmmmm...wonder what they would look like as border to my bathroom downstairs? What would I need to treat them with so they can withstand the moisture and set clearly? Would I use entire branches for the wall, or just cut up pieces for a border? I'm going to have to try a few things and get back to you.

So...I waited for the storm to come. Watched reports on the news of multitudes of tornadoes around our area and across the state. And here in my little suburb...we barely got rain.Short lived hard rain and only for a few moments, it felt like it was a whole lot of nothing. And, as quickly as it came through, it was over. Hoping that the storm would bring cooler sleeping temps...unfortunately it brought steamy humidity and a chance for more storms tomorrow. One more opportunity to watch and wait for a green sky.

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