Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tender time

It's hard to believe it's almost the end of May, and I've barely taken any photos of the garden. I've done some work, and I think I mentioned my neighbor and I are going to veggie garden together, but the time is just getting away from me again. Working full time, son in baseball, husband coaching baseball, daughter now old enough to babysit other people's kids, it's all a bit too much. Not to mention wrapping my brain around settling my mom's estate and remembering her love for gardening and plants and cooking.

It's been a tender time.

Tender in the fact that the 5th month anniversary of Mom's death is approaching this weekend, and I have yet to transplant any of her hostas, columbine, and bleeding hearts from her yard to mine. I am still in the midst of grief, and yet, feel completely held in her memories. It's finding out what walking through the grief feels like, as well as getting my hands dirty and doing things that bring beauty and life to the world around me.

A favorite recipe in her own handwriting is one of my most prized finds in her kitchen. Not sure if I should get it laminated, or leave it just the way it is. I can't wait to make it this summer with tomatoes from my own garden.

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