Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A few more sites to visit

I've added a few more websites to my links. Way funny - Garden Humor, and Garden Web both came from Wiseacre Gardens, which I found doing a Google search for photos of some of my perennials. I love it when that kind of thing happens.
I don't know much about plants - other than they need sun, soil, water, and tlc. But, many other bloggers and websites do know about gardening, and so I go hunting for more info on plants and garden learning that quenches my thirst for knowledge about all things alive, growing, and full of wonder and beauty.

I'll keep looking for more...and will try to write more when I have some new nuggets to share.
Photos of our tilling adventure didn't turn out so great, but I'll try to post within the week. It was a strange weather weekend, but at least my veggies have a nice bed to lie down in.

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