I bought some hanging plants and a gift card to Lynde's nursery from a boyscout fundraiser this spring. I bought my tomatoes and peppers and still had a bit left on the card to go back again.
Today in the rain, my mom and I stopped by Lynde's for a peek to see if we could find zucchini and cucumber. I lost out on the cucumber - I'll have to check elsewhere. But, the Ball's Zucchini looked so nice, I bought 2 pint sized plants for $1.89. I actually made it out of the store with only that.
Had the rain not been coming down so steadily, I would have checked out more perennials or flowers - and I was so tempted to bring home some Coleus for the porch...but resisted. Of course...I still have a little left on the gift card, so I'll go back when it's sunny out, and see what else I can find.
Gardening is fun, but I think shopping at the nursery/garden stores is just as much fun - especially seeing the beauty, the fragrances, the variety. Who would have thought - not me - that I would love gardening and growing things. Life is so funny. I just never know where it's going to take me.
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