Monday, June 7, 2010

The veggies are in the ground

On Memorial weekend, I planted tomatoes - 9 plants - about  7 varieties - a couple plants are the same kind. I also planted two sweet pepper plants and one jalapeno plant.

This past week (June 9), in went two Ball Zucchini and two different kinds of cucumber also went into the ground with a new portion of garden soil mixed with peat to help break up the clay that lies beneath. The
rain was here on Tues, planted on Wed, and rains came again Thurs night into Friday.

I really want to tell you about my favorite "tool" in my garden. I found them last year and didn't buy enough. This year I went back for more, and realized I needed one more to get to 9. So...this investment in my future tomato plants is what I'm hoping will pay off.
It's called the Ultomato - ultimate tomato cage. They are not cheap ($6-10 each) but because they are adjustable and plastic, I believe they are an amazing product. I love them. They held up very well last year - they will hopefully hold up the tomatoes with grace again this year. I bought mine at Home Depot...but I hear you can find them in pretty much any garden store in the spring.

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