Sunday, June 12, 2011

For a limited time...

I realize that each of these lovely perennials only have blooms for a short season, and especially how quickly my tulips came and went, how the daffodils (narcissus) survived the cold rainy season, but couldn't stay long enough to hit the heat of last week.
I'm thrilled to have a few flowers to look at, and fellow gardeners have been bringing in their iris cuttings to the office in beautiful bouquets. So...I shot a few more pics, in hopes to make the first week of June last a little bit longer.
Newly blooming Columbine...
Vanilla Iris

Siberian Iris buds

1 comment:

  1. Julia,

    I was just whining this morning that I missed my opportunity to take pictures of our irises. Thank you for your pix.
