Monday, July 4, 2011

Not-so-veggie gardening

I decided against planting veggies this year - and will partake in the local farmer's markets in the area for our summer veggies. Basically, it just got too late in the season, and my full time work and mom mode took over. My husband and I have plans to re-rock the area below the deck and get some other landscaping projects done this summer, so I really just chose an easier route.
I don't know about easier - but the fenced area I used to call a veggie garden needs some major weeding and I'm wondering how to prep it for next year's plantings. I guess I'll have to do some online research soon.

My mom goes into the Minneapolis Farmer's Market every Saturday morning with some girl friends, and lucky me, she brings over lots of delishiously fresh wax beans, sugar snap peas, corn on the cob, tomatoes, red & yellow bell peppers, and tomatoes. AWESOME!! So...I'm heading to the nursery now to pick up a few potted beauties to make me feel better, in hopes of bringing home some herbs as well.

Happy 4th of July everyone! Get out and enjoy the sunshine!


  1. Julia,

    I rue the time I wasted not taking pictures of my irises. Thank you for your great pix.

    And, columbines, wow, I usually hate how straggly they look, but you must have captured them at their absolute peak of beauty.

    Thanks for sharing,


  2. Hey, I used to be overwhelmed by the size and structure of my vegetable garden[s]. Then my friend Steve introduced me to "square-foot gardening".

    I don't follow the principles perfectly, but our three simply vegetable garden boxes are easy to manage and maintain.

    Email me and I'll send you what's helping me succeed.

